Meet Our Practitioners (DocLQJ)

"I am passionate about empowerment and fulfillment so I continue to push myself to the limit and expand services and opportunities for the community we live in."
LaQuanda Jefferson (Graduate Level Marriage and Family Therapist, Owner and Psychotherapist)
I am committed to the families I provide services for. As a former member of the armed forces, I initially began my journey with the intention of servicing military veterans and their families as they made the transition to life in the civilian sector. However, as I began to study Abnormal Psychology (My Foundation in Psychological studies) and Systems Theory (At the Graduate Level), my calling to be a Psychotherapist became more apparent. I am now even more committed to helping individuals and families cope with the stressors of life and to reach their full potential through guided discovery. My Educational background is in Biological Medicine as an Epidemiologist. I have invested in the completion of a completely separate career track to understand and relay the psychological perspective of illness and recovery so that I am fulfilling my own personal spiritual calling at the highest degree of efficacy. I believe that once you have found the pathway of discovery, the sky has no limits. We are each traveling a path of personal fulfillment and for many people, this also includes spiritual fulfillment. Sometimes we neet a bit of a push to join the flow of positive growth but first we have to find the path that fits for our journey.
Connecting the dots require an objective viewpoint and this is where therapy comes into play. I am committed to removing the stigma surrounding the experience of therapy and the underlying implications because I know the importance of the work we do, but more importantly, I know the commonality of therapy in perfectly "normal" people because I don't believe human beings are anything other than "normal" although some may be symptomatic. The only variant that separates us is maybe the dance in which our lives have developed a tune for or the way we behave or respond..... These are elements that can be issues, but they are elements that can be resolved via therapy.
Whether you are in crisis and need intensive therapy, intervention, or simply struggling for balance in your life, allow me to help facilitate space for your journey of discovery, growth and healing, I'd love to see everyone thrive. Book me for your next motivational event as well. We are all connected systemically. Let's help one another achieve the comprehensible goal of living in a productive manner that is conducive to the forward progress of the world we live in.
Career Coaching and Business Consultant Perview
In the facet of career counseling/consultation services, I help individuals find their way along the pathway of discovery to uncover their interest strengths and transferrable skills so that they not only have the ability to market self but also they are equipped with the career or job vetting process enough to search and apply independently when they decide to transition.
Starting a business can be risky and yet rewarding territory. This requires a girth of guidance from several profelssionals if you intend to stay in business for the long haul. I am knowledgeable about the 'ins and outs' of business development and these are elements that I help aspiring business owners expand on. Contact me for a free consultation to see if am a good fit for you.
The Life Advicement That Changes Life in a Positive Way... I Aspire To Empower Do you? #ATETheMovement