Tantra and Spiritual Awakening
The pathway to true self-fulfillment and positive affect
Tantric Healing and Revealing
The art of Tantra can be traced back to the 2nd century or so in its roots and across many cultures. The one element that is undisputed is that it is essentially the art of connecting the human being with all elements of one’s true self. This is not something that comes without guidance, faith, and work of the part of the individual. The world that we live in today can be a serious distraction on so many levels. Oftentimes, people develop maladaptive behavior in response to being limited in their self-expression or their ability to grow fully. This can be caused by many things popular culture attributes to the individual’s perception. Tantra classes help people become more open, expressive, loving, and closer to inner self, spirituality, and their physical body. This is a way for people to truly understand their value and worth on an affect level. It allows growth on so many levels and although the full experience can definitely be an orgasmic one, filled with cosmic energy, tantra is not simply sexual. It is the essence of fulfilling the wholeness of individuals as they grow. Definitively speaking, tantra is the interlinking or weaving of the three elements of the being (mind, body, and spirit). There are several levels to tantric activity. This can include tantric massages, meditation, essence and energy piloting, yoga, and more. Tantra is not indulgent or repressive, it is a spiritual journey. Only through becoming extremely still, silent, aware and alert can you truly connect deeply and allow yourself to fall deep into meditation which is where you shall meet the tantric experience. To learn more about your journey and path to enlightenment and to become truly elevated contact us for more detail. Instructors of the course have over 30 years of combined experience in the art of tantra and holistic health and wellness measures. Some people utilize tantra as an excuse for indulgence but those who are genuine and pure in their intent, the path can be a life changing and truly healing experience. Some of the common areas of concern for people who commonly pursue tantra classes are as follows:
- Depression
- Body Image Issues
- Anxiety
- Spiritual Stagnation
- Anger Management
- Stress Management
- Low Sex Drive
- Low Testosterone
- Low Libido
- Hypersexual Behavior
- Addictive behavior
- Pain During Sex
- Impotence
- Flat Affect
- Marital Distress Recovery
- Trauma Recovery
- Rape Recovery
Tantra Classes are 12 weeks in length and are provided on three different levels The introductory classes are 10 dollars per class for early registration members and 25 per class for registration the week before and the first two days of class start date. (Referrals qualify members for 10 dollars off the regular rate on two of the classes. Person referred must list you on their registration information)
Certificates are available at completion and so are t-shirt orders for a fee of 10 dollars per individual.
Materials necessary for each class include:
Personal and clean towel
Open Mind
Note Taking Material during the initial 2 classes
Yoga Mat if you prefer it over a towel
Sex Positive Mindset… This means that you are take a true non- judgmental stance in regard to issues of sexual orientation diversity (Our groups accommodate a diverse population and we welcome the LGBT Community as well as individuals, couples, and groups of popular culture. This is a place of solitude and spiritual elevation)
Come allow your mind to be elevated and inspired.
Registration is currently open for our August 23rd class! Intro to Tantra and Life Wellness. Fill out a contact form now.
For more information on registration and availablility of classes,
Call Dr. Jefferson at 678.468.0442 or email doclqj@familialbonds.org